"Death from Above"
For this piece, I decided to document it, since someone asked me recently to see a process post.

The first part, is to draw up ideas, in thumbnail size. I usually try to do at least 20 these days before moving on.

Normally around this time, I do research, which just consists of playing the game again, and getting screen captures. Same thing with videos of the SNES ones, because I never did play those (except the series took a turn for the weird on that console). Oh, and there was also an anime too. Go figure!

After choosing a thumbnail that I think has the best potential/composition/not boring, I do a very loose sketch, just to lay out key areas. This is bound to change over time.

The image then gets blown up, and then tightened up with tracing paper drawings, and then transferred to watercolor paper.

The time before inking is a tense time. Thank god for Mister Pabst.

And done.

After inking, a colored tonal wash is applied and then major areas get blocked in with washes.

More areas get blocked in, and I start adding details, value, and what have you...

....until I have this. Like I mentioned earlier, some elements get added in before the end.

Framed and ready to go!
And if you happen to be in Paris around the 15th next month, be sure to check it out at:
36 rue Quincampoix
75004 Paris, France
Thanks for reading!