These pages may contain works created by Mark A. Fionda Jr.

Monday, September 29, 2008


The idea behind this, was that I spread out a wash of blue, then dripped green onto it, and watched it spread about the paper, forming little 'islands'. This is the end result.

Pen & Ink, Color Pencil, and Watercolor

Monday, September 22, 2008

George Carlin

A caricature of Mister George Carlin, done for a mock-up magazine spread

Pen & Ink, and Watercolor on Cold Press.

Beer Coasters

For Megan's Senior Portfolio class, we had to make and design beer coasters. And if you know me, I loves beers.
(Seriously, a six back of Asahi, and you've got my heart.)
For my theme, I chose to do Science Fiction characters from dystopian futures (Except for Picard, he's just an innocent bystander to the whole thing unfolding before him.)

Korban Dallas

Judge Joseph Dredd

Mad Max

Logan 5

Jean-Luc Picard

Pen & Ink, with Watercolors added digitally.

Monday, September 8, 2008


If you've played the most recent Persona game (The 3rd one in the series), you'll notice that all the characters in the game shoot themselves in face in order to summon mythological entities to fight for them.
Theres more video game influenced violence among kids, yet this one passes under Jack Thompson's nose.
Anyways, this is more like a mockery then anything political. The game is awesome.

The "Mono-Wheel" Robo-Rider

0 to 120 mph in under 3 seconds. State of the Art, all terrain sport vehicle. Loves carbon fuel rods.
Yours at 500,000 credits

Watercolor, Pencil, Color Pencil, and Gelly Roll Pen

Bird Suck

Does Tom Sellack even fly first class nowadays anyway?
Watercolor & Ink

Robot Arm's Holiday

I think after 2 straight decades in a row of putting cars together in factories, the little guy needs a day off.

Watercolor and Ink on Watercolor paper

Monday, September 1, 2008


Just a stylized Coelacanth drawing. I thought these things looked pretty funny, and it was fun to draw.

Watercolor & Pencil on Arches Watercolor Paper