These pages may contain works created by Mark A. Fionda Jr.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Freakshow poster Assignment.
My take on it was a freakshow battle royale.
Watercolor on 260 lbs. Rough press Watercolor paper.

Monday, May 14, 2007

My final project for Figurative Anatomy
Watercolor on 260lbs. Rough Press Watercolor Paper

"Samurai Frank"

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Stamp Project for Pictorial Foundation class.
A Series of three stamps with a theme.
I did the cast of Lupin the III.
Watercolor on Watercolor paper.

Arsène Lupin the III

Inspector Koichi Zenigata

Daisuke Jigen

Goemon Ishikawa XIII

Fujiko Mine

Thursday, May 3, 2007

An Oil Portrait, completed in late March
This is basically the first oil painting I've ever done,
considering its not my medium of choice.
I'm happy with the way it turned out,
so I may decide to do another in the future.


Work in Progress
Line Drawing done in Pencil for a final
Illustration piece for my Figurative Anatomy class

"Samurai Frank"