These pages may contain works created by Mark A. Fionda Jr.

Monday, November 12, 2007

My Stickers Overseas

London, corner of Victoria & Albert

Somewhere in France

Photos courtesy of Dan Hughes

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Figure Drawing
Pencil, 60 minutes

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

This space for rent.

Monday, June 11, 2007

A few more for the road

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Out of sheer boredom, I decided to abuse Facebook's
new Graffiti application.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Freakshow poster Assignment.
My take on it was a freakshow battle royale.
Watercolor on 260 lbs. Rough press Watercolor paper.

Monday, May 14, 2007

My final project for Figurative Anatomy
Watercolor on 260lbs. Rough Press Watercolor Paper

"Samurai Frank"

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Stamp Project for Pictorial Foundation class.
A Series of three stamps with a theme.
I did the cast of Lupin the III.
Watercolor on Watercolor paper.

Arsène Lupin the III

Inspector Koichi Zenigata

Daisuke Jigen

Goemon Ishikawa XIII

Fujiko Mine

Thursday, May 3, 2007

An Oil Portrait, completed in late March
This is basically the first oil painting I've ever done,
considering its not my medium of choice.
I'm happy with the way it turned out,
so I may decide to do another in the future.


Work in Progress
Line Drawing done in Pencil for a final
Illustration piece for my Figurative Anatomy class

"Samurai Frank"

Thursday, April 26, 2007

An Anatomy project spanning the last two semesters.
Muscles, Tendons, & Bones
Watercolour Pencil on Mylar

Friday, April 13, 2007

Doodles from last semester, drawn during Texts & Contexts
Ball Point Pen.

A Bunch of Birds I drew during a meeting Yesterday.
Ball Point Pen
Oil Based Paint Marker on Postal Stickers.
Done around early March.
Colaberation with (left to right)
Nose, Frog, Skullder (myself), and GrassStain

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Soldier doodle

Some random Grunt/Soldier/whatever, drawn on the train back home to
Ridgewood. Possibly inspired by my lack of Gears of War for the past 3 months.
Ball point pen, probably 15 minutes, I wasn't keeping track.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Pyramid Head Costume
Cardboard, Spray Paint, Dry Brushed Acrylic

This costume took a day and half to make.
A friend of mine helped with calculating the exact
proportions for the head piece.
I managed to have 8 people run out of a bar and take pictures of me.
Figure Drawing
Conte Pencil, 20 minutes
I got into a debate with her about the marketing of Cadbury Eggs.
Go figure.
Armadillo Skeleton Study
Pencil, about 3 hours

Robots Drinking at a Bar
Watered down ink, pencil on board
I really want to redo this one at some point
Tree of Life
Colored Pencil on Cardboard

Ball point pen doodles,
done during my Japanese Art History class
Jimmy "B. Radd"
Hermit Shaman
Robot doodle, ball point pen.
Most likely going to be used in another project.

Pastel Portrait, 3 hours

Assignment from my Pictorial Foundation class. Interior/Exterior.

The basic concept I had was illustrations for a "Robo-Rider" manual.
This section displays proper dental care.

Watercolor, Ink, & Gouache on wood panels